Memorial Order Form
Trees, benches, and picnic tables are important in our community as they provide our green spaces with shade and offer a place to enjoy nature. The Memorial Program encourages people to celebrate a loved one’s life or special occasion by purchasing a tree, bench, or picnic table to be placed in a town park.
This order form is the first step towards purchasing a memorial in a Town of Essex park or green space. For questions, please contact or the Director, Community Services at 519-776-7336 ext 1109. Upon submission, a Member of the Community Services Department will contact you within three business days to further discuss your request

Memorial Tree - A donation of $500 covers: tree purchase, planting, maintenance, personalized aluminum tree tag, and standing engraved plaque.
Memorial Bench - A donation of $1500 covers: purchase, installation (including cement pad), maintenance, and an engraved plaque.
Memorial Picnic Table - A donation of $3000 covers: purchase, installation (including concrete pad), maintenance, and an engraved plaque.